Monday, May 4, 2009

Final submission EXP 2

The Lightening and shading effects.
Whole view of 2Labs and meeting point.

There are so many ways to go other part.
it can be support Npbell's Quite.
Meeting Point

The meeting point represents a spce which two customer can meet...
so, it sholud contain both charateristics. the ceiling represent nobell's idea a thousand idea and so many way to go other Lab as well. and each building has viewpoint. so i made it that it is possible to see on the celling.

The Ramp; one of way to go.
it can be said that "Push" the angle that ramp has push people to help there moving.

Jacquers Yves Cousteau's Laboratory

"People protect What they Lovethe location of Jacquers Laboratory is in the wall.
the word "Protect" gave me an impact .
Also, in his lad there are many ramp.
the Word, "PROTECT","LOVE" can be asociated with home, shelter, nest.
and those place are existed for giving people to take a rest.
So, i use dark colour, it might be help people to take a rest. also, placed inner
wall. it is feeling lke some protects me.
Alfredo Nobell's Laboratory

"If i have a thousands ideas and only one turns out to be good, i am satisfied."

there are many ways to get in Nobell's Lab. it can be related to thousand idea.

I used many ramp instead of stairs because ramp can be shelter.

Someone can stop and have a look around circumference during the moving.


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